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Virtual Budget Town Hall—Q&A, ThoughtExchange, and PowerPoint (Jan. 25, 2024)


On January 25, 2024, the Board of Trustees held a Virtual Budget Town Hall to provide an overview of the current financial situation of the division, the budget process, and next steps in the budget deliberations among the Board of Trustees and senior administration.

Attendees were provided an opportunity to ask budget-related questions during the event. In the spirit of open, transparent, and honest communication with our public, below you will find responses to the questions posed, as well as the PowerPoint presentation that was shared and the results of the board’s recent ThoughtExchange (see bottom of this page). Please note: We have combined similar questions. If you submitted a question during the budget meeting and you do not see a response below, please email:

Thank you and remember to attend our second Virtual Budget Town Hall on February 29, 2024, from 7–8 p.m. More details will soon be made available on our website home page.


  • Historically, the province has not funded air conditioning for large capital projects; when the province approves HVAC upgrades in our schools, the cost to add air conditioning is not covered by the government. The division did an analysis over five years ago to determine the cost of putting air conditioning in all school spaces that don’t have it. The cost was millions of dollars, which the division didn’t have at the time, nor does it have now.

  • There is a difference between operational funding and capital funding. When it comes to projects such as renovations and additions, the monies come directly from the province as part of capital funding. The board submits a five-year capital plan every year, and the province decides which projects to fund. Capital funding is separate from the operating budget and is approved and paid for entirely by the province.




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