English-German Bilingual Program
Research shows that students who learn a second language:
- Do better on intelligence tests
- Have better results in school
- Strengthen their communication skills in their first language
- Build global citizenship skills
- Improve their career prospects
- Heighten their earning power
- And they have twice as much fun!
- German is the second most widely spoken first language in the European Union (over 100 million native speakers)
- German is a leading international language of business, engineering, philosophy, and music
- German has close connections with English and this makes it easier to learn for English speakers
- A K–8 language program with over 40 years of proven results
- All resident RETSD students are welcome
- No previous German knowledge is required for kindergarten or Grade 1 entry
- Students with prior German language skills may also enter the program at other levels
- Multilingual language skill development—German, English, and (from Grade 4) French
- Language proficiency certification in Grades 6, 9, and 12 through the internationally recognized Deutsche Sprachdiplom assessment
- Bilingual learning with a strong academic focus
- Over 400 students in the program each year
- Kindergarten and Grade 1 are the optimum entry points for students; other entry points must be discussed with the school.
- It follows a Manitoba Education approved program of studies in all subject areas
- It uses a partial immersion approach: German language arts and social studies are taught in German from Grades K–12; English language arts, math, and science are taught in English
- Students spend part of each day immersed in German and over time, through interactive activities, they use it with increasing ease and precision
- Communication between the home and school remains in English
Grades K–5
Students receive instruction in German for up to 50 per cent of the school day. Music, games, interactive reading, and technology all help to develop an ear for the language and build fluency.
Grades 6–8
Students receive instruction in German for about a third of the school day. Students also begin to participate in Sprachdiplom assessments and to study French.
Grades 9–12
Senior years German programming continues to be school-based German courses at River East Collegiate. Students who wish to attend REC for school based German courses and are not in the school’s catchment will continue to attend as in-division schools of choice students. These students will be required to complete a letter of intent, when they register for grade 9, that identifies their reason for application as the opportunity to take school based German courses across all four years.
How can I help my child if I don't speak German?
Many parents of bilingual program students do not speak German and the students thrive in the program. Here are some ways you can help your child when you don't know the language:
- Support and encourage your child's learning
- Use your home language to develop your child's intellect through conversation about varied topics
- Encourage reading in any language and read with your child in your home language
- Communicate with the school about your child's progress
- Show an interest in German and explore German events, films, and books
How will my child develop and maintain strong English skills in the English-German Bilingual Program?
At least 50 per cent of the time (and more in later years) will be spent working on English skills. Moreover, studying in a second language will actually end up strengthening your child's English language skills, as well. Moreover, studying in a second language will actually end up strengthening your child's English language skills, as well.
Aren't language programs just for gifted students? What if my child struggles?
Research and experience show that language program students with a variety of challenges will do as well academically as they would in an English language program. Children learn at different rates and in different ways, regardless of their program.
- Donwood School (Grades K–5)
- Princess Margaret School (Grades K–5)
- Chief Peguis Middle School (Grades 6–8)
Information about catchment areas, transportation, daycare, and after-school care can be found elsewhere on this website or by contacting a principal at one of the English-German Bilingual Program schools. As well, information can be found on the Manitoba Education and Early Childhood Learning website.