Season Information
December – March
Grade 6 – two practices per week & one daytime jamboree or one evening tournament
Tier 1 - two practices & one game night per week
Tier 2 - two practices & one game night per week
Tier 3 - one practice & one daytime jamboree or one evening tournament
League Play
League play to take the form of mini round robin tournaments with three to four schools at one site with one or two courts being used simultaneously
· Tier 1 on Tuesdays (and if necessary, on some Mondays)
· Tier 2 on Wednesdays (and if necessary, on some Thursdays)
League play to be exhibition only with no standings kept and no playoffs.
Team Selection:
Grade 6 Club
All interested grade 6 students will either play grade 6 boys club or grade 6 girls club. No tryouts, no cuts.
Although it is not typical, a grade 6 student may move up to any tier in the grades 7 & 8 league. If a parent would like to request a grade 6 player exception, they must notify the Physical Education Staff of their intentions prior to the first tryout:
a. Be evaluated by Physical Education staff and coaches based on divisional criteria assessment sheets.
b. Physical Education Staff and coaches will provide a formal evaluation sheet for each session.
c. The grade 6 club player must be evaluated at a level higher than half of the team.
d. A maximum of 3 grade 6 players may be assigned to the grade 7/8 league.
Grades 7/8
All interested grade 7/8 students will be placed on a team using a three-tier system. No cuts. The tier system allows students to be placed in the most suitable team environment for skill development, personal success, and continued lifelong participation in sport.
The following criteria are considered when placing athletes:
1. Developmental ability (physical skills and tactical play)
2. Commitment/interest level
3. Social/emotional factors
Tier 1 players:
· Demonstrate well-developed sport-specific skills
· Use skills effectively in game situations
· Demonstrate an understanding of strategies and tactics in game play
· Show an understanding of game specific rules
· Have well-developed sportsmanship and teamwork skills
· Communicate a high commitment and interested level
Tier 2 players:
· Demonstrate sport-specific skills
· Are working towards using skills effectively in game situations
· Demonstrate a basic understanding of strategies and tactics in game play
· Are learning game specific rules
· Are developing sportsmanship and teamwork skills
· Communicate a lower commitment and/or interest level
Tier 3 players:
· Are developing sport-specific skills
· Are learning how to use skills in game situations
· Are learning about strategies and tactics in game play
· Are learning game specific rules
· Are developing sportsmanship and teamwork skills
· Communicate a lower commitment and/or interest level
Grade 7/8 Girls: two try-outs + a call back if needed.
Grade 7/8 Boys: two try-outs + a call back if needed.
If a student has missed one OR two try-outs without a justifiable reason communicated ahead of time, they will automatically be placed on tier 3.
The number of players on a team will depend on the number of interested players and available coaches.
Playing Time
Grade 6 - The equitable playing time rule will be in effect for the entirety of game play.
Tier 1 - The equitable playing time rule will be in effect for the first half of game play.
Tier 2 - The equitable playing time rule will be in effect for the entirety of game play.
Tier 3 - The equitable playing time rule will be in effect for the entirety of game play.
If you have any questions or concerns throughout the season, please contact your child’s coach after a 24-hour waiting period. If your child’s coach cannot clarify your concern, please contact the sport convenor.