Board of Trustees unveils ERP expansion
Last evening, April 15, the Board of Trustees welcomed students, families, staff, and community members to an open house at École Regent Park to officially unveil the school’s expansion, which includes a beautiful gymnasium and several classroom spaces.
“This is a wonderful moment to gather as a community and celebrate these new spaces,” said RETSD Board Chair Colleen Carswell. “However, our work is not yet done, as this was a short-term plan to address the rising enrolment in our division. The long-term plan continues to be the construction of a new school in the Devonshire area north of Costco.”
Trustee Carswell further shared that the area ERP serves has experienced rapid growth over the last number of years, and this continues to increase. The Board of Trustees recognized this and prioritized the expansion as part of the capital plans RETSD submits to the province annually.
“Trustees understand the need for additional space,” she said. “And we will continue to advocate for our community and a new school.”
Nello Altomare, minister of education and early childhood learning, was on hand to cut the ribbon alongside Trustee Carswell, Trustee Sheri Irwin, principal Lucia Grande, and ERP student Dami Odewale.
“This is an exciting day for the École Regent Park learning community. Our government is committed to ensuring Manitoban students have quality learning environments that meet their needs,” added Minister Altomare. “After our recent announcement of the construction of two new schools, we look forward to being an active partner with all school divisions and the growing communities within the province of Manitoba.”