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Safety Tips: Co-existing with Coyotes

Coyotes have been seen in the vicinity of some of our schools over the years. If you see a coyote near a school, we ask that you contact the school to inform them. Coyotes adapt very well to a variety of environments, including urban, rural, and wilderness areas, so it's not unusual for them to be seen within city limits. Generally, they are timid creatures that avoid human contact; however, caution should always be used.

To reduce the chance of conflict: 

  • Don't leave your pet outdoors unattended.
  • Don't feed wildlife (even coyote prey, such as birds and rabbits)—by feeding coyotes or coyote prey, you run the risk of making coyotes comfortable in approaching people and potentially aggressive.
  • Feed pets indoors—leaving pet food outdoors may attract coyotes.
  • Clean up pet waste in your yard regularly.
  • Store garbage in secure containers.
  • Keep compost bins inaccessible to wildlife.
  • Clean up any spilled seed from bird feeders.
  • Clean up any fallen fruit daily—coyotes feed on fallen fruit and the prey attracted to it.
  • Consider using fencing at least two meters tall.

If you encounter a coyote:

  • Do not approach the coyote—give it an escape route.
  • Do not run—move away quietly when it is not looking in your direction.
  • Pick up small children or pets.
  • If it approaches you, make eye contact, stand tall, make noise, shout, and throw projectiles at hand.
  • Raise your arms or a jacket above your head to appear large—continue until it leaves the area.

For more information about reducing the risk of conflict with coyotes and other wildlife, visit To report wildlife showing aggressive behaviour or that appear sick, injured, or orphaned, call the Manitoba wildlife TIP line at 1.800.782.0076. 

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