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École Sun Valley School Weekly News - Sept 23, 2022

Save the Date

Wednesday, September 28 – Cross Country Meet (Turkey Trot) at Bird’s Hill Park at Popes Hill

                                                     for Gr 3-5 with the competitions running from 10:30AM – 1:00PM

                                                  -  Meet the Teacher Evening @ 5:30 – 6:30 PM

Thursday, September 29 – Salisbury House Hot Lunch

Friday, September 30 – National Day of Truth and Reconciliation – No School

Monday, October 3 – Co-ordinated Day – No School


Picture Day Update

Thursday was picture day at École Sun Valley School.  Due to some issues with equipment, group photos were completed only with Odd Day Kindergarten classes.  Group photos for all other classes will be taken on Picture Retake Day, November 10.


Meet the Teacher Evening

Parents and guardians are invited to meet teachers/school staff, see classrooms and visit our wonderful school on Wednesday, September 28 from 5:30-6:30 PM.  This is an informal event in order for parents and teachers to meet, get to know each other as well as receive information about programming and routines.  If you have questions or concerns about your child’s academic or social/emotional progress, please contact your child’s teacher prior to this date.


Items Dropped Off

A table has been placed just outside the office for any forgotten items or lunches (even those special lunches on Hot Lunch Days).   Please make sure these items are marked with the child’s first and last name.  Place the item on the table and check in with the office so that we can arrange to have the item taken to your child.  Additionally, on Hot Lunch Days we ask that you make arrangements with your child at home for them to pick up their special lunch from the table.

Face to Face Program

Are you looking for some volunteer experience working with children? Do you know anyone who has some free time, or works from home and would like to try something truly rewarding? We are looking for volunteers for our Face to Face program. This program runs during school hours (9-3:25, Monday - Friday).  Face to Face volunteers set their own schedules, so it completely fits in with your availability. 

Your role in the school would be to listen to students read, offering words of support and encouragement. Easy training is provided! Our students supply their own books. French Face to Face volunteers are most needed, also!  

Please complete a Child Abuse Registry form at the school office prior to starting.

Questions? Ready to join us?  Please email Mrs. Paul your contact information.   

New Website

RETSD has gone to a new platform for the website and the easiest way to find our school website is to Open a web browser like Edge and type:  and hit enter.   Or simply click on this link.

All the headers in the brown part are menus so you can hover over them to find information regarding our school.  Our Newsletter will be posted to the Parent & Community menu.  The Documents & Forms menu has all the school related forms and calendars.

Additionally, our weekly news (formerly E-Memo) is posted to the News & Announcements section of our website.  Just scroll down and look for this header.

We will post every Friday to the website so there is no need to sign up to see what is happening in the upcoming week at École Sun Valley School.


Teacher Email Contact

In moving to the new website this year, the staff directory was dropped from our website.

Should you need to contact your child’s teacher their email address is the first initial and last name followed by (e.g., except for the teachers listed below.

The following teachers have a number after their name, or their name is different than their email address.

The following teachers have a number after their name, or their name is different than their email address.

Mme Labelle –

Mrs. LaRocque –

Mrs. Johnson –

Mme Tellier –

Mme Ahrens-Townsend -

2022-23 Teaching Staff


English Program


Ms. D. Zylstra

Grades 1

Ms. B. Brandt / Mrs.  M. Clarke-Johnson                   

Grades 2/3

Mrs. J. Johnson

Grades 2/3 

Mrs. D. LaRocque

Grades 3/4

Mrs. S. Odaisky

Grades 4/5

Ms. R.  Szota   

Grades 4/5

Mr. A. Rawdon

French Immersion Program

Kindergarten – EVEN

Mme K. Baydack

Kindergarten – ODD

Mme K. Baydack

Kindergarten –EVEN

Mme B. Dudenhoffer

Grade 1

Mme C. Schoofs

Grade 1 

Mme C. Aminot / Mme A. Labelle

Grade 1

Mme A. Johnstone

Grade 2

Mme M. Tellier

Grade 2

Mme K. Waite

Grade 2/3

Mme J. Sanchez

Grade 2

Mme V. Harling

Grade 3

Mme L. Curtis / Mme B. Dudenhoffer

Grade 3

Mme C. Fouillard

Grade 4

Mme K. Phillips

Grade 4 

Mme M. Gossen / Mme L. Vanderhooft

Grades 4/5

M. K. Donnelly

Grade 4/5

Mme R. Dunlop

Grade 5

Mme H. Desrochers

Grade 5

Mme E. Ahrens-Townsend

Student Fees 

Reminder to Parents that all classes collect a $55 fee per student.

You have two options for payment:

  1. Online through the Parent Portal (nominal processing fee
  2. Cheque made payable to École Sun Valley School 



Terry Fox Walk

Once again École Sun Valley School will be having a school wide Terry Fox Walk.  The date is Oct. 7. There will be an assembly first and then we go on a walk around the community.  If you would like to make a donation to the Cancer Society, please go to our page (copy and paste).  Our goal is to collect a Toonie from every student.

Alternatively, cash donations labelled with students’ names can be brought to the classroom teacher who will forward it to Mr. Rubenfeld. 


Student Pick up/Drop off

Parents are asked to notify the school either by phone or email with any change to their regular day (early pickups, appointments, etc.)

Parents are to report to the office and your child will be called down for you.  Additionally, we would like to remind parents that they are not to roam the halls or go to the classrooms during the school day.


Reporting Absences

As a reminder, parents are asked when reporting absences, either by email to or by phone 204.663.7664, to please include your child’s first and last name.

Student Illnesses

A reminder, as we enter into the flu season to keep your child home when they are feeling sick.


Class Treats

Parents are permitted to send food to school for special occasions.  Please do not send food containing any nuts or nut products as we have many students with life threatening allergies.  Parents are asked to provide an ingredient list with any food as well as send food that is packaged or served individually.  If you wish to send food, please make arrangements with your child’s teacher first.  


COVID Guidelines – For your reference

The Government of Manitoba continues to recommend following these health fundamentals that include, but are not limited to:  

• Monitoring daily for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and staying at home when sick.

• Recommending self-isolation for five days if you test positive for COVID-19 or if you have symptoms without testing and wearing a mask for 10 days after testing/symptoms.

• Continuing to follow public health guidelines related to mask use and ensuring that individual choice is respected. While masks are no longer required to be worn in indoor public spaces in Manitoba, including schools, individuals may choose to wear a mask based on personal risk assessment or preference. If your child chooses to wear a mask, they are encouraged to bring their own. A supply will be available in schools in the short term for use, when needed.

• Encouraging proper and frequent hand washing.

• Practising respiratory etiquette (i.e., covering coughs and sneezes).

• Encouraging students and staff to be vaccinated (COVID-19 and routine immunizations) as soon as they are eligible.

For your information, public health updates can be found on Province of Manitoba | COVID-19 Information for Manitobans.  Province of Manitoba | COVID-19 Information for Manitobans.




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