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Graduation 2025

Graduation 2025 - please keep checking back for updated information regarding REC Graduation June, 2025. 

Convocation Fee - $40.00 per grad payable (cash/cheque made out to River East Collegiate)

Convocation Contract Link - was emailed to students March 4, 2025 via student school emails. Information required to be filled in - name for diploma, quote, size for gown. Deadline Monday, April 7, 2025.

REC Scholarships & Post-Secondary Information please click on the link -  REC Scholarships & Post-Secondary Info (

Grad Breakfast change of date! Thursday, June 12, 2025

Grad Dinner and Dance - Tuesday, June 24, 2025

 Convocation Date - Thursday, June 26, 2025


Follow on Instagram @recgrad2025


Grad Dinner and Dance tickets are:

$105.00 each for student/date (dinner and safe grad)

$80 each for family member (dinner only)

Ticket sales will be from Tuesday May 20th – Friday June 6th (Tickets will be paid for in cash or cheque to the office)

The deadline for the safe grad contract is on May 9th.

Forms will be collected the week of May 5th -9th. In person at school.

If the form is submitted after May 9th, 2025, it will result in a $25 late fee and the processing will be delayed.


Volunteers – we want to thank everyone who has signed up to be volunteers for the grad events here at REC. We look forward to working with you to make these events a success.

Donations – We are seeking donations of items or gift cards for the raffle prizes that are won during the safe grad. Items will be placed together to make prize baskets, we are looking for items big or small! We will also gladly accept any monetary donations towards the purchase of prizes for the baskets. Please make cheques payable to River East Collegiate, with the student's name included. Any donations should be dropped off in the office at River East Collegiate. There is a donation letter attached to this email, should you know of any businesses willing to donate prizes. The raffle prizes are a HUGE highlight during the evening for our students. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this special event!

Fundraiser – reminder the fundraising forms and money will be due to the office no later than April 10th. Any money raised, will go towards a students’ grad ticket(s) they wish to purchase. If a student raises money above and beyond, that money will go towards the safe grad event in general.

Assembly – there was an assembly in February for all students wishing to attend the dinner, safe grad, and grad breakfast events. Attached is the ppt with the information that was shared.





GRAD PHOTOS - Monday, March 24, 2025 to Thursday, March 27, 2025

*Please note - students who had original photos done and would like retakes will need to call Customer Service to book an appointment (1-888-676-1647 or 1-866-457-8212).  They will not be able to book online.

 Please see attached letter for information: Lifetouch Grad Photos

Sit Fee is $35 and includes an 11x14 composite.

Schedule Your Portrait Session Online!


We want to thank all those parents who were able to make it out to the Safe Grad Parent meeting yesterday evening. It was great to see so many parents and to have so many volunteers already signed up. We are still in need of Chairs for each committee, as well as members. This event couldn’t happen without all of you! 

For families that were unable to attend we have attached the presentation we went over, as well as, please click HERE to sign up for a committee. 

Thank you for your support! Any questions please reach out to us. 

Jenna King 

Kristine Yang 

Cathy Ramsay 


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