REC Meet the Teacher Evening
Dear Kodiak Families,
We have had a very successful start to our school year welcoming all our new and returning students. Attached you will find information regarding our Open House Evening and Upcoming Important Dates.
Meet the Teacher
Please note that your child will then become your tour guide of the school. This will be an opportunity for families to visit their child’s classrooms and their teachers. The Open House is scheduled for September 12th from 6:30pm-8:00pm. We would ask that your child takes you around REC and visit each of their classrooms and introduces you to all of their teachers.
Upcoming Important Dates
ļ NEW: Thursday, September 12th – Meeting for all parents of Music students. Meeting will be at 6:00 PM in the Library.
ļ Monday, September 16th – Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting, 6:30 PM in the Library, Parents/Guardians are welcome to attend.
ļ CHANGE: Wednesday, September 18th – RECMAPA Meeting 6:00 PM in the Library.
ļ Monday, October 7th – Divisional Coordinated Day (no classes)
ļ Monday, October 14th – Thanksgiving Day, No School
ļ Friday, October 25th – MTS Coordinated Day (no classes)
We look forward to working with all our students and families during the 2024-2025 school year!
Warm regards,
REC Administration