English-German Bilingual
Princess Margaret - a very active, successful school!
The English-German Bilingual Program was introduced in Princess Margaret School in 1980, on the initiative of the organization "Manitoba Parents for German Education".
For many years now, this program has been offered in all grades, from Kindergarten through Grade 5, on a dual-track basis, parallel to the English program. At this time, 150 students are enrolled in the program at Princess Margaret.
In the English-German Bilingual Program, the subjects Health, Social Studies, and German Language Arts are taught in the target language. The content of these subjects is based on the curriculum of the Province of Manitoba for these subjects. The remaining subjects, Science, Mathematics, Physical Education, and English Language Arts are studied in the English language.
Princess Margaret and Donwood School are the feeder schools for Chief Peguis Middle School, where students are offered an expanded German program. Senior years German programming will continue to be school based courses at River East Collegiate. Students who wish to attend REC for school based German courses and are not in the school’s catchment will continue to attend as in-division schools of choice students. These students will be required to complete a letter of intent, when they register for grade 9, that identifies their reason for application as the opportunity to take school based German courses across all four years.
RETSD will continue the current practice of not accepting out-of-division schools of choice students for German programming at all levels, due to increasing enrolment across the division. This practice applies to all levels of German programming as well as other programs across all RETSD.
The Bilingual Program at Princess Margaret is viewed as very successful, and it has grown steadily since its inception.
Expectations of the English-German bilingual program at Princess Margaret School
The aims of the Bilingual Program are:
- to develop listening and reading comprehension, and to improve German language proficiency.
- to achieve the aims of the provincial curriculum in Social Studies and Health.
- to enhance student's understanding of the cultures of people in German-speaking countries.
- to develop a tolerant world-view, and to help students better understand and appreciate their own Canadian culture.
Our Program
- Kindergarten to Grade 3
- Grade 4 to Grade 5
- Kindergarten to Grade 3
- Grade 4 to Grade 5
- Kindergarten to Grade 3
- Grade 4 to Grade 5
Should you have questions or suggestions, please write to our German Program at Princess Margaret School.
Sprachdiplom - International Credentials of German Language Proficiency
The RETSD English-German Bilingual Program offers its students the opportunity to obtain an internationally accredited diploma of German language proficiency, the Deutsches Sprachdiplom (DSD). The DSD is a series of German language assessments developed and monitored by the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) of Germany. The DSD assesses German skills in key areas: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The DSD assessments are coordinated by and conducted in RETSD schools.
DSD assessments are offered at three proficiency levels (aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages – CEFR).
Level A2 – Zentrale Deutschprüfung (ZDP) A2
- For all students in the German Bilingual program, Grade 5.
- Certifies that a student has attained the level of A2 - Basic User: can communicate in simple and routine tasks and exchange information on familiar and routine matters.
Level B1 - Deutsches Sprachdiplom I (DSD I)
- Opportunity offered to students in the German Bilingual program, Grade 9.
- Certifications that a student has attained the level of B1 – Intermediate Independent User: can communicate simply and clearly on a range of topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
- Meets language requirements (B1) for foreign student admission to technical college in Germany.
Level B2/C1 - Deutsches Sprachdiplom II (DSD II)
- Opportunity offered to students in the German Bilingual program, Grade 12.
- Certifications that a student has attained level B2 or C1:
- - B2 - Advanced Independent User: can communicate clearly with considerable fluency and spontaneity on a wide range of subjects.
- - C1 - Proficient User: can communicate fluently and spontaneously, using language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.
- Meets language requirements for foreign student admission to universities in Germany.
- Meets language requirements for admission to advanced German courses in Canadian universities.
Sprachdiplom Dates for 2012/13
DSD II (B2/C1) – Grade 12
- Deadline for registration: September 20, 2012
- Dates: Written exam: December 4, 2012, Oral exam: TBA
DSD I (B1) – Grade 9
- Deadline for registration: January 10, 2013
- Dates: Written exam: March 19, 2013, Oral portion: TBA
ZDP A2 – Grade 6
Dates: Oral and Written portions: April/May: dates TBA
- Registration is free of charge for students in the RETSD German Bilingual program.
- DSD I and DSD II registrants must submit a $50 deposit to reserve a place. This deposit is refundable in full when the two-part exam is completed.
- Contact your RETSD German teacher to register.