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Welcome to Transcona Collegiate!

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will begin soon. We encourage all students who are interested in attending TC to visit our Transcona Collegiate Open House Feb 19 2025.

TC Students currently in Grade 9-11 will receive registration information from the school in early March.

Please refer to the 25/26 Student Registration Assembly PowerPoint Presentations listed below. 

  1. Grade 9 Student Registration Assembly
  2. Grade 10 Student Registration Assembly
  3. Grade 11 Student Registration Assembly

All students should refer to the Student Course Handbook to aid in selecting course:  2526 Student Course Handbook / Vocational Courses

Registration Process

To register, verify below which best describes your student. Our School Locator will help you determine your catchment school.

1) Feeder School Student

Students who attend one of our feeder schools will receive a package from their current school in early February. Please fill out the information and return it to your current school. Registration packages will be collected and brought to TC from each school.

If your student has lost their registration package, you can download a new one here:

2) Current School Student

Current TC students will be given packages in class early in February. Students are to return the completed packages to their teacher at the school. Course selection will be facilitated by TC staff at school.

February 2025 - Class presentations will begin regarding registration and course selection for the 2025/2026 school year; students will also receive course selection forms at this time. A PDF version of the presentation shown to students in class is available at the top of this page. Please click on the links (Student Registration Assembly PowerPoints) listed at the top of this page for more details. 

March 2025  - Students will register for their 2025/2026 course selections online while at school; classes will each go to a computer lab and students will be given time to select their courses

3) Catchment Students - New to TC

If you live in the Transcona Collegiate catchment but have never attended our school (coming from a private school, moved into the area etc). Families will also have to provide proof of age (such as: birth certificate, Manitoba Health Card, baptismal certificate, passport, INAC status card) and two pieces of ID showing proof of residency (such as: driver's license, Manitoba Health Card, utility bill.)  Copies of these can be made at the school office.

Please read through and fill out the documents below to complete your registration.

If you live in the River East Transcona School Division but our School Locator lists any of our other schools as your catchment school, you are considered a Within Division SOC. You may still apply to TC, but you must also apply at your home school as indicated on the School Locator. Families will also have to provide proof of age (such as: birth certificate, Manitoba Health Card, baptismal certificate, passport, INAC status card) and two pieces of ID showing proof of residency (such as: driver's license, Manitoba Health Card, utility bill.)  Copies of these can be made at the school office.

Please read through and fill out the documents below to complete your registration.

5) Out of Division School of Choice (SOC)

If you live outside of the River East Transcona School Division but would like to apply to attend TC you are considered an Out of Division SOC. Applications for these students will be received by the beginning of May. Out of Division SOC applications need to be reviewed and accepted by an Administrator and the RETSD Board Office. Students in this category are also encouraged to apply at their catchment school. Familes will also have to provide bring proof of age (such as: birth certificate, Manitoba Health Card, baptismal certificate, passport, INAC status card) and two pieces of ID showing proof of residency (such as: driver's license, Manitoba Health Card, utility bill.)  Copies of these can be made at the school office.

Please read through and fill out the documents below to complete your registration.

6) EAL Newcomer

Families who are new to Canada must start the registration process with our EAL facilitator. The first step to getting a facilitator is to complete the EAL Newcomer Pre-Registration Form and drop it off at your designated school. You will be contacted about a meeting date within a few days. For more information on the EAL program you can visit the RETSD Divisional Page HERE.


Information to be posted in late Spring 2025 for information regarding InformNet Summer School 2025 2026.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW 2025 2026 Student Course Handbook

TC Student Course Handbook 2025 2026



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