Breakfast Program
Currently, during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Breakfast Program is not able to operate in the regular manner as detailed below. We look forward to it starting up again in the future.
Prince Edward School, in partnership with other community organizations (The Masons, Grace Lutheran Church, John Black United Memorial Church) is able to run a breakfast program for our students. We are all aware that a nutritious breakfast provides a great start to the day and a foundation for good learning.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
The program operates in Room 9.
Students check in between 8:30 - 8:55 am. Students enter through the Parking lot door on the north side of the building by the gym or through the Kindergarten Courtyard.
This program is open to all students. There is no fee, but parents must register for their child to attend the breakfast program. Please see the attached Information and Application form.