Medical Insurance -
All students participating in our Program are enrolled in our medical insurance plan provided by Guardme.
Our insurance company provides all students in the program with a wallet-sized identification card, which facilitates visits to the doctor or hospital.
Students can connect with Canadian doctors through Mobile Doctor as part of their health benefits. Mobile Doctor provides access to doctors, Canada wide, on their phone, tablet, or computer anytime, anywhere.
Guardme insurance also provides access to the TELUS Health Student Support app, which provides individual support and assistance, should students feel the need to talk with someone. GuardMe Student Support Program services are confidential and accessible anytime of the day or night. The app also features additional information and advice on coping with stressful events and offers counselling services in several different languages. whether feeling homesick, stressed or simply want someone to talk with. Students will receive confidential guidance from a certified counselor in their preferred language. This service is completely confidential and free to use, just download form the app store on your device.
The Guardme website provided specifically for River East Transcona School Division will provide access to the following:
- Policy documents
- Mobile doctor
- Claim submissions
- And many more resources for you.
You can also access resources specifically designed to supports mental support wellness for challenges that international students face while studying abroad.