Parent Association
Our parent advisory council is an active and committed group of individuals whose purpose is to foster the well-being and effectiveness of our school community and enhance student learning.
Our membership is open to all parents as well as residents in the catchment area who are interested in the education and well being of students.
We provide feedback on issues of importance such as school philosophy, mission and vision, school policies, programs and direction. We also organize special events which benefit our school and community.
New members are always welcome. If you would like more information or are interested in getting involved please call 958-6830.
September 2024-ERP Pac Minutes
February 2024- ERP Pac Minutes
November 2023- ERP Pac Minutes.docx
October 17- ERP Pac Minutes .docx
September 19- ERP Pac Minutes2023.pdf
ERP PAC June 20 Meeting Minutes 2023.pdf
ERP PAC May 16 2023 Meeting Minutes.pdf
PAC April 18 2023 Meeting Minutes.pdf
PAC March 14 Meeting Minutes 2023.pdf
February 21 Meeting Minutes 2023.pdf
PAC January 17, 2023 Meeting Minutes.pdf
PAC minutes October 18 22 Meeting.pdf
ERP PAC Minutes - Sept 20 22.pdf