Our goal, at Radisson School is to provide a safe, supportive environment for our students and staff. Following are some of the many procedures we have in place to create a safe environment at our school.
Call Back System
When a student will be absent or late, we request that parents call the school before 8:45 a.m. indicating the student’s name, classroom and the reason for the absence. When reporting an absence, please indicate if your child has a fever with a sore throat or cough. If we have not received a call by 9:15 a.m., our school secretary will contact the parent or guardian. This system is designed for the safe arrival of all students.
Cell Phones and Cameras
It is divisional policy that at early years, student use of cell phones and other electronic communication devices is not permitted in the school and on school property unless directed by the teacher/school. This applies to recesses, and lunch hour. It is expected that communication during the school day will occur through the school office.
However, we do realize that due to safety concerns when walking to and from school, some parents are requesting that their child have a cell phone in their possession. The cell phone must be turned off and be kept out of sight for the duration of the school day,
Students taking photos of other students using cell phones or other items equipped with cameras is not allowed on school property (as outlined in the divisional code of conduct).
Electronic Items, Expensive Toys, Trading Cards
Electronic items and expensive toys, such as, but not limited to – MP3 players, handheld Nintendo games, radios, Tamagotchies, etc. are not to be brought to school. These items are expensive and can be easily broken or get misplaced, often causing considerable disruption in the school day. They can also be distracting to a student’s learning.
Trading cards, such as Pokemon, are also not allowed at school as the “trading” of these cards often causes friction among students.
Emergency School Closure
In the event that the school is closed early due to an emergency, (e.g. severe weather, flooding), our school evacuation plan has the children going to John W. Gunn Middle School. Please do not attempt to call us at the emergency site as this will tie up the telephone lines. We will contact parents as soon as possible. Please also be sure your child has an alternative place to go in the event you are not home if there is a school closing.
Fire Drills and Other Emergency Preparedness
As part of our emergency preparedness plan, each school year, ten fire drills are conducted at Radisson School in order to familiarize children with leaving the school quickly and safely in the event of an emergency. As well, two lockdown drills are conducted during the school year.
Locked Entrances
For the safety of our students and staff, the exterior doors of the school will be locked after student entry in the morning, and after morning, lunch and afternoon recesses with the exception of the front entrance. It is important that students arriving late enter through the front door and check in at the office.
Safety Patrols
Our patrols are chosen from the senior students who have displayed leadership and citizenship qualities. They are on duty at the following times:
8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.
3:25 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
Extreme Weather Guidelines for Student Street Patrols:
During extremely cold weather, the following guidelines for an abbreviated student patrol schedule will be followed:
-27C to -34C: It is recommended that time on post not exceed 10 minutes. Warm clothing is essential. Facial protection is recommended.
-34C to -42C: It is recommended that time on post not exceed 5 minutes. Posts located more than a five-minute walk from the school will not be patrolled. Warm clothing and facial protection are essential.
Below -42C : No student patrols on post.
Skateboards, Bicycles and Rollerblades
Skateboards are not allowed at Radisson School. According to the highway traffic act/city bylaw, skateboards are not permitted on streets, sidewalks and public places. Therefore, students should leave all skateboards at home. As well, the school does not have sufficient space to store such items.
Bicycle use is permitted where distance warrants. Students who use their bicycles must walk them on the playground, park them at the bicycle rack and lock them for security purposes. The wearing of bicycle helmets is highly encouraged. Students riding bicycles to school must handle them responsibly, complying with the rules of bike safety.
The school or the school division cannot take responsibility for damage and/or theft of bicycles.
Students wishing to rollerblade to school are reminded to use sidewalks, follow all safety rules at road crossings and change to regular footwear when on the school ground. Rollerblades must be kept in a school bag for the day and are not to be used on school property.
Visitors to the School
It is important for anyone entering our school to enter by the front entrance and check in at the office.
Radisson School encourages parents to be involved as volunteers in the school. All volunteers are required to complete a child abuse registry check and pledge of confidentiality form. All volunteers are asked to sign in at the office and wear a volunteer nametag while volunteering at the school.