Core Subjects
French Language Arts
French language learning is explored through speaking, viewing, representing, reading and writing. Late French Immersion students are engaged in language learning as a whole class, as small groups and then as individuals through oral strategies as they build confidence and comfort. Language structure and mechanics are then introduced through reading, writing and speaking. Using the French culture as a vehicle for language learning, allows students the opportunity to explore the cultural aspects of the French community as well. A rich collection of French literature and texts are available at all reading and interest levels to increase access to the French language. These selections are available in our school libraries and classrooms. We also leverage technology to expand the selection of books, study films, music, and to research.
French Communication and Culture
French communication and culture builds on language learning experienced in grades 4, 5 at the early years level. The course integrates speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills with an emphasis on oral work, and is a required subject in grades 6, 7 & 8. The entire school comes together to celebrate French music, plays, and cultural celebrations like Festival du Voyageur to support our students as a community.
Language Arts
Communication skills in writing, reading, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing are emphasized. Skills and concepts such as spelling, composition, grammar, and reading are developed through drama, novels, short stories, debating, media study, mythology, etc. to meet the general outcomes of the curriculum. Study skills is integrated into the student’s academic program throughout the school year.
Social Studies
A new provincial curriculum has been published and guides the teaching of social studies in grades 7 & 8. The Grade 7 course views social studies from a geographic orientation. The students gain an understanding of how the Earth works and how life is interdependent. The Grade 8 course views social studies in terms of “ways of life” or “how people lived” at different times throughout history. The Grade 9 course focuses on Canadian studies. It emphasizes Canadian physical, political, legal and economic issues.
The main goals of mathematics education are to enable students to:
- use mathematics confidently to solve problems
- communicate and reason mathematically
- appreciate and value mathematics
- commit themselves to lifelong learning
- become mathematically literate adults
- using mathematics to contribute to society
The outcomes address four major areas: patterns and relations, statistics and probability, shape and space, and numbers. Extra help is available for students.
Students’ learning outcomes are related to scientific inquiry and the design process.
Applied Arts
Home economics consists of nutrition and foods, clothing and textiles and housing design courses. These are designed to give students practical experience, applying their knowledge and using the decision making process in family living conditions.
Artistic expression, it's elements, and principles of design are studied through a variety of media to help students become aware of the visual and tactile aspects of their world. By developing a broad definition of art, students will become aware that it is an important aspect of life that may be used to communicate what they think, feel and believe.
Musical skills are developed in conjunction with learning to play an instrument. No musical experience is necessary. Emphasis in Grade 6 is on basic musical concepts, with the focus shifting for Grade 7 and Grade 8 to performance based ensembles, along with an introduction to music history. Students are required to practice 120 minutes per week outside of the class time.
Students are required to provide their own instrument, which can be rented or purchased from most local music stores. Larger instruments (tuba, euphonium, bass clarinet, and french horn) can be rented from the school for an annual fee.
Grade 7 students are required to attend a sectional one day per week.
Sectional practices begin the first week of school and end the week before the winter holidays.