RETSD Students Take Part in Scholastic Esports Expo
From May 23–24, multiple RETSD schools took part in the 2nd Annual MSEA Scholastic Esports Expo. MSEA is the Manitoba School Esports Association and this is Manitoba's premier in-person esports event.
There were 32 schools representing 15 school divisions, and around 300 students competed over the course of the two-day event. It not only featured esports play, but also keynote speakers, panel conversations, and workshops. Some of the topics presented were: the importance of fitness and mindfulness in competitive esports, presented by Lotus 8 Esports; and exploring jobs in Manitoba’s technology industry, presented by New Media Manitoba.
The event took place at Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, RRC Polytech’s expansion of the Exchange District Campus, which students were taken on a guided tour around.