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JT Clothes Fundraiser

We are excited to once again be able to offer Joseph Teres School clothing for sale!  We have an updated, modern design and all clothes are high quality, comfortable and durable.

All clothing orders will be placed online at  Once you are on the website, the password to access the Joseph Teres School clothing store is: jets2023

Orders can be placed starting today and the store will be accepting orders until midnight on September 29, 2023.  All payment for items ordered is done online.  There will be no late orders accepted. 

Joseph Teres School receives a portion of all sales, so by purchasing Joseph Teres School clothing, not only will your child(ren) and family have Joseph Teres School branded clothing, but you will also be helping fundraise for our school.

If you have any questions please contact Mr. Murray at 204-958-6869 or at

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