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Communication between home and school is essential for a successful school year. Apart from the usual phone and FAX methods, there are several avenues for communication  that are built into the operation of John Pritchard School.

Homerooms in the Early Years (K-5)

Each Homeroom Teacher in the Early Years (Gr. K-5 at JP) is the main teacher for the class, except for specialty areas such as Music, and  Physical Education. The Homeroom Teacher is the primary person for communication between home and school. 

Homeroom System in the Middle Years (Grades 6-8)

Since students at the Middle Years may have several teachers for the main subject areas, the Homeroom Teacher advisor system has been implemented for grades 6-8 to facilitate better communication with students and their parents/guardians. The Homeroom Teacher is the primary contact for information regarding the students in his/her homeroom. As the primary advocate for his/her students, the Homeroom Teacher provides a strong connection between staff and students in the day to day life of the school.

Agenda Books/Planners

Each student at JP has an Agenda Book which he/she is expected to use to track assignment and project due dates, quiz and test dates, school activities (club meetings, intramural games, interschool practices and games, Home Economics days (off-site), etc.), early dismissals, professional development and administration days (no school), as well as personal and family commitments. Use of the Agenda Books is closely guided by Homeroom teachers in the Early Years, with a gradual release of responsibility as students move up through the Middle Years.

Open house

Our annual open house takes place during the month of September.

Student-led Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences

Student-led conferences are conducted after each of the term reporting periods. The conferences provide an opportunity for students and parents to use the student’s portfolio to discuss progress to date and future goals.


A school newsletter is published on a regular basis.  The focus of the newsletter is to communicate students' accomplishments, and participation in the school's curricular and extra-curricular programs. A regular feature is a calendar of upcoming events such as parent-teacher conferences, in-service dates, field trips, concerts, etc. Newsletters are emailed to parents and made available on the school webpage.  Paper copies are available when necessary.  Parents who wish to receive the Newsletter by email attachment, instead of paper copy, should indicate that in an email to

News and notifications by email

On a regular basis, or as the need arises, we will send additional news or notices to parents using a mass email. Parents who wish to receive news and notifications by email can have their email address added to the list by sending their request by email to Parents who wish to receive the Newsletter by email attachment, instead of paper copy, should indicate that in the email as well.

Display Sign

We are fortunate to have a large display sign on our front grounds near Henderson Highway. It is updated regularly to inform parents and the community of activities and upcoming events, and at times to share an interesting quote.

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