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New Student Information System (SIS)

Important information regarding our new student information system (SIS):

  • Divisional and school messaging will come from; however, the senderā€™s name will be the name of your childā€™s school.
  • We encourage parents to check their junk email folders for messages from this source.
  • We strongly advise recipients not to click on the unsubscribe link. Doing so will limit your access to important divisional/school emails in the future.
  • Recipients may be receiving more emails than usual because of the move to our new system and the associated process changes.
  • As we work to fully implement our new system, please check our websites and social media platforms, as messages will also be posted there
  • Please ā€œtell a friendā€ to help us ensure messages are getting to everyone who needs to receive them.
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